Saturday, March 11, 2017

Zero Carb. Starting Over......Again

So, here we go again. Starting over.  Frustrating? Yes. Angry with myself? Yes. Disappointed? Yes.
But the important thing is I AM starting over. Refusing to stay stuck in habits and choices that I know are horrible for me.

Over the last several years I have tried multiple times to lose weight. I have been successful with Paleo/ Keto / Zero Carb multiple times loosing 25+ pounds only to fall back into the gaping jaws of what can be described as nothing less that food addiction. For me, personally, any taste, no matter how tiny of something sweet just turns into disaster. Even veggies or a tart raspberry can trigger thoughts that derail me into days, weeks, months of binging on crap I know makes me feel miserable and gain weight.

And, let's be honest. Eating differently IS hard! Often times, in order to avoid social awkwardness I would just eat what everyone else is eating. Standing up for your health and wellbeing can mean confronting negative personal relationships or causing conflict with someone that may not understand what you deal with. That's OK. YOU are worth it. Feeling better and honoring your body is important.

I have always been a person that could never have 1 bite of something sweet or carby. One bite of milk chocolate would lead to 12 candy bars; one potato chip would be followed by bowls and bowls of chips, pretzels, popcorn until I was a puddle of bloated, brain foggy, gassy, fat regret. Think I'm making it up? Ask my Mom about the time as a kid I was soooo desperate for chocolate that I resorted to Baker's chocolate squares.....Let me just tell you they were NOT yummy.

Does this sound like you? Kind of embarrassing to admit in public but keeping it public is the only way to keep it real. No more secret eating....You know those "errands" that involve a 5 minute trip to Target followed by a trip to the restaurant/poison of your choosing? So, here I go back on track again. This time armed with some new resources.

This is HUGE - Check out this book and website: I finally feel like someone understands me. Literally, like Dr. Glenn Livingston must have been in my head when he wrote the book. Admittedly, I thought Chapter 1 was ridiculous and gimmicky but keep reading it really does make sense.

Check out Heidi Howe's YouTube Channel: Zero Carb Support - She really gets the struggle.

Looking to understand what Zero Carb is? Looking for testimonial's or inspiration? Check out or Dr. Paul Mabry's blog - Read enough to want to give it a try? See the Facebook Pages for Principia Carnivora or Zeroing in on Health.

Kill the Pig! Stomp on Satan! Tie up the Tyrant! Whatever you call that annoying little lower brain voice in your head that keeps tripping you  up. Most importantly come up with a simple set of rules that are non-negotiable. So when that little voice tries to weasel it's way in you can confidently tell it to,"Shut Up!" "That's not on my plan and you are not going to trick me this time!"

Jenn's rules:
No Eating alone/In secret
No Sugar, Gluten, Carbs, Alternative Sweeteners
I will feed my body quality meats, poultry, seafood, eggs
I will drink only water, green tea or herbal tea.
I will move, walk or do some type of exercise everyday:
Even if only 10 minutes. Just move!

My Flexibility Area - Dairy. I may eat the occasional piece of cheese.

That's it for now. If you have any questions or kind comments please feel free to ask. I will try to respond to you as my crazy schedule permits.